Please note each Veneer will be unique from tray to tray. Trays are recommended in waxed finish.
SatinwoodExotic hardwood / Brazil.
CedarHardwood / Western United States
Birds Eye MapleHardwood / Canada and Northeastern United States
Golden TeakExotic Hardwood / Southeast Asia
MahogonyExotic hardwood / Central America.
BubingaExotic hardwood / Central Africa
PurpleheartExotic hardwood / South America
BloodwoodExotic Hardwood / South America
ZebrawoodExotic hardwood / Central Africa
WengeExotic hardwood / Central Africa.
Shisham / East Indian RosewoodExotic hardwood / India
Ebony MacasarExotic hardwood / Southeast Asia.
Black AshHardwood / Northeastern United States
CurupixaExotic Hardwood / Central and South America
Maple(standard)Hardwood / United States
Elm(Carpathian)Hardwood / United States
Douglas FirHardwood / United States
Light Gray BurlEngineered Hardwood
CherryHardwood / Northern Hemisphere